Funding There are currently no open calls Projects funded by the Cut Carbon networks: Network H2 Impact of Hydrogen Standards on the UK Transportation System (iHYLAST) Development of a smart hybrid system with advanced hydrogen refuelling logistics for railway applications Computational analysis of a zero-carbon hydrogen fuelled thermal engine for heavy duty transport applications AmmoniaSHIP: Ammonia powered Ship with Proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells Analysis of a Strategic Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure Techno-economic feasibility of hydrogen fuelled freight transportation Decarbonising UK Freight Network Multi-Modal Operations and Infrastructure Modelling, Philip Greening, Heriot Watt University Examine the feasibility and investment required for ports to act as decarbonisation hubs, Stavros Karamperidis, University of Plymouth Understanding Freight Decarbonisation Investment Decisions, Fraser McLeod, University of Southampton, and Anthony Velazquez Abad, Transport Research Laboratory Transport Investment Decisions (TIDE): An exploration of climate alignment in freight related investment decisions, Nadia Ameli, UCL An Integrated System and Service Design Approach for Decarbonisation of UK Freight Transportation (INSTINCT), Alok Choudhary, Loughborough University Co-produced Route-mapping to Accelerate Freight Decarbonisation: a Transdisciplinary Learning and Decision Framework, Graham Parkhurst, University of the West of England Decarbonising Transport through Electrification (DTE) Network Optimisation of Intermittent Electrification of Rail Transport for Near-Term, Dr. Will Midgley, Loughborough University, Hitachi Rail Europe A data-driven approach for optimal distribution network operation with rapid charging infrastructure and large-scale battery storage, Dr. Chun Sing Lai, Brunel University London, UK Power Networks Optimisation of wireless charging infrastructure deployment for bus services, Dr. Panagiotis Angeloudis , Imperial College London, Alan Turing Institute, Transport for London, Innovate UK, EPSRC IAA The Renewable Powered Railway: Renewable Railway Power Network Design with Optimal Energy Management Optimal scheduling of electric vehicle-integrated multi-energy system with high renewable generation Toward Evaluating the Performance of High Voltage Insulation for Aerospace Multi-Actor Governance framework for the electrification of airports (MAGIC) Gender Equitable electric Micro-mobility (GEM) Guidelines Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion within the Train Driver Population and Its Impact on the Acceptance and Use of Driver Advisory System Understanding challenges and pathways to increasing diversity in electric vehicle adoption DecarboN8 VITALISE – Visualising Active Travel with Pakistani Families in Bradford, Dr Zahara Batool and Dr Kate Pangbourne, University of Leeds CarbonFreePorts: Freeports as opportunities, not threats, for place-based decarbonisation of transport, Professor Matthew Cotton, Teesside University and Professor David Tyfield, Lancaster University UnCCUT – Understanding Change in Car Use over Time, Dr Malcom Morgan, University of Leeds OPTIC – Operation and Performance of Transport Infrastructure Chargepoints, Dr Craig Morton, Loughborough University Co-designing the 15-minute city, Dr Alexander Nurse, University of Liverpool Room to Move – Impacts of road-space reallocation, Dr Stephen Parkes, Sheffield Hallam University Liveable Liverpool City Region, Dr Richard Dunning, University of Liverpool CARGO PEDAL: Harnessing the potential of e-cargo bikes for urban sustainable transport, Dr Luke Blazejewski, University of Salford Leading the way to lower carbon transport: how, when and why do older, more experienced drivers make a change? Dr Julie Clark, University of the West of Scotland Hydrogen for Sustainable Waterways, Dr Dénes Csala, Lancaster University Understanding and modelling electric vehicle charging behaviour using choice modelling, Dr Trivikram Dokka, Lancaster University Integrating embodied carbon emissions into northern transport infrastructure scenarios, Dr Jannik Giesekam, University of Leeds Serious Games for Serious Energy Solutions: A Case Study of Diversity for Innovation in Bradford, Dr Zoe M Harris, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London Decarbonising Transport with Neighbourhood Plans in Northern England, Dr Caglar Koksal, University of Manchester Development of a co-designed zero-carbon urban freight system, Dr Daniela Paddeu, University of the West of England